Since opening in 1989, Beechvale has built a reputation for delivering professional nursing care in our friendly, family atmosphere, priding ourselves in the individual care services which residents receive from a dedicated team of carers. Staffed 24 hours a day by qualified nurses, we provide the following types of care:

  • General nursing care for the elderly and infirm
  • Respite care
  • Post-operative care
  • Rehabilitation care
  • Convalescent care
  • Care for the terminally ill

We have a holistic approach to care, which means we take into account all facets of life when planning and organising our resident’s care. This means not only providing professional nursing care, but also what food you enjoy, what activities you participate in, when you like to get up or retire to bed.

Our objective is to provide the care and help each resident would like, whilst preserving independence and above all, feeling secure and at home.

Fees and Funding

At Beechvale, we will sit down with you and go through the various financing options available, making sure we answer any aspects you are unsure about.
How much does nursing home care cost?
Every year the Trusts set the rate for the weekly charge of nursing home care. This is currently £623 per week. Most nursing homes charge a “top up” above this rate to arrive at the overall weekly rate for their home.
At Beechvale, we provide rooms with no top up and those rooms with a “top up” vary depending on the type of room. Needless to say, the care of each resident is exactly the same, regardless of the fees paid.
What contribution can I get from the Trust?
The Trust’s contribution depends on the resident’s savings (including assets), worth up to £623 per week. The different levels of contribution are as follows:

  • Savings over £23,250 – £100 contribution (called a “nursing care allowance”)
  • Savings under £14,250 – £623 contribution + a Personal Allowance of £24.90 per week
  • Savings between £14,250 & £23,500 – £623 less £1 for every £250 of savings + a Personal Allowance of £24.90 per week

If you are already receiving care in the community, your care manager will usually undertake a financial assessment and help you through the process, but we are here if you have any questions.